Formatting FAQ

What do you need me to include in order to format my book?

Aside from your manuscript, you may want to include the following in the order you want them to appear:

Front Matter:

  • Title page as you’d like it to appear
  • Copyright & Disclaimer page (may include credits for cover artist, editor, ISBN# if you have one)
  • Dedication

Back Matter:

  • Author’s Note
  • Acknowledgments
  • Other books you’ve written. If you want them linked, please include the links. I will charge an additional $15/hour if I have to hunt down all the links, as it takes a considerable amount of time.
  • Author Bio

I’ll also need a high-res copy of your cover, if I did not design it.

Does your formatting fee include formatting for Smashwords?
No, formatting for Smashwords will incur an additional fee of $20, as they have very specific requirements that must be followed.